Activities with littles

Cabin fever is a very real issue with many new parents. Whether it's the fear of taking your fragile new one into the world or not knowing what you can do with a baby, many parents end up isolating themselves from friends, family, and community if they aren't careful. Here is a list of potential things to do with your new little one.

Go for a walk

Simple, easy, and free. Walking not only provides you with exercise it gets both yourself and your little one some fresh air and sunshine. Whether this is down the road or around your local Park, there's plenty of opportunities to get out and active with your little, no matter their age.


Don't miss out on all the opportunities your local library might have available for kids of all ages. You can click here to find your local library. Typically they have some sort of social media platform or a website to show off upcoming events.

Window shopping

Sometimes there doesn't have to be an itemized list when you go shopping. Sometimes you can go to the store and purchase a few bottles or a new baby book or something else and enjoy your time out with your little ones while you do it. The most fun you can have is to let go of all of the pressures you might be feeling for a moment and enjoy spending some time with your little shopping buddy.

Water Activities

Splash Pads and pools are both great locations to get your little ones out and about splashing and having a good time. Pools have the added benefit of typically having some sort of additional supervision and somewhat of a "village" so other parents and caretakers can help keep an eye out for your little ones as well.

Movie Night

While this is moreso for other older kiddos and for parents to have a date night in, a movie night with some popcorn and some take out pizza is the way to go. Saves money on baby sitting and allows you and your movie partner to enjoy the newest movie you've wanted to watch or maybe catchup on that show you've been binging recently.

Always remember any additional questions can be answered by your pediatrician. If you don't have one, we would recommend calling your local clinic or hospital and having them advise you how to get started with one.