Second Trimester

You're a third of the way there. There's still going to be changes but most of the heavy lifting is out of the way now. Many women even consider this portion to be the easiest part of the pregnancy.

Your body

You can still expect some physical changes as time goes on. Below is a list of some of the most common symptoms you can expect during this part of the pregnancy.

Uterus expansion and movement of baby

With the growing of the little one, your uterus will start to expand to make space for your new roommate. You might also begin feeling your little one start stretching their legs and moving around more. All of that sickness before starts to be worth it and some women state this is when the pregnancy starts to "feel real" because you can truly understand you're creating a little person inside of you.

Body aches

Your body is still getting used to growing your little one and will have some growing pains. You'll start seeing more stretch marks, some swelling on wrists and ankles, and some itchiness around these areas as well. You'll also start noticing darkening skin around the nipples, this makes for an easier target for your little one to latch onto upon arrival. There may also be some bouts of lightheadedness due to lower blood pressure. Keep an eye on this and notify your doctor if symptoms persist.

Appetite adjustments

You might start craving more foods and different varieties of foods around this time. Some cravings are random and can't be predicted, however if there are some constants you find yourself wanting during craving periods (Snickers bars, pop tarts, pickles, or something similar) grab a few and keep them on hand. It's always better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them. Pregnancy cravings are not to be triffled with.