Third Trimester

Three months left. You're in the home stretch and now it's all about getting everything setup for your cool new roommate!

Your body

Moving into the last trimester you're going to be experiencing some of the same symptoms as the first and second trimester, however there are some new ones to keep an eye out for.

Braxton Hicks contractions

These are mild, irregular contracttions as a slight ttightness in your abs. Typically these happen in the afternoon or evening, aftter physical activity or sex. These will become more frequent and stronger as you approach your due date. If you notice them becoming regular and increasing in strength we advise contacting your health care provider.


The hormones in your body relax the connective tissues which help hold bones in place. This can cause pain in your back, especially during the third trimester. You can take preventative action by ensuring you wear low-heeled (not flat) shoes with good arch support. If you have consistent pain speak with your health care provider.

Heartburn and shortness of breath

As the hormones in your body adjust your anatomy a few different things happen. Your diaphram will be pushed up so you'll notice you get winded much easier. Ensure you keep good posture to help allieviate this problem. You'll also notice heartburn much more often, this is due to the valve between your stomach and esophogus relaxing. Eat smaller meals more frequently and avoid thing like friend foods, spicy foods, as well as chocolate and citrus fruits.

Increased blood flow

With the increase in blood in your body there may be additional side effects including spider veins (small red/purple veins) on your arms, legs, or face. You might also notice some swollen varicose veins and hemorrhoids as well. For relief, swelling can be combatted by exercising and elevating your legs frequently as well as including plenty of fluids and fiber in your diet. Hemorrhoids can be cared for by soaking in a warm tub or applying witch hazel to the area.

Even more urination

You thought you peed a lot before? Nah, you're peeing even more now. Your baby is getting larger and more in charge as time goes on and your bladder control takes a back seat to the little one's comfort. You might find yourself leaking pee as well when coughing, sneezing, bending, or lifting.